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Wonderful Kalimantan

Kalimantan/Borneo, is one of the largest islands in Indonesia. island still has a lot of these forests store a wide range of tourist destinations are many and cool to more fully let us see

1. Pasar Terapung

Banjarmasin Floating Market
Not complete it if discussing Banjarmasin without floating market. This market has become a hallmark of the city of Banjarmasin. The floating market is the process of buying and selling is done on a boat that floats. Currently, the floating market has become one of the tourist attractions in London are most visited by tourists.

One of the popular floating market which is in the mouth of the Barito River, precisely in the Village of North Kuin, Banjarmasin. This market is estimated to have existed since 400 years ago. Goods sold ranging from the garden produce, food to clothing. To be able to watch the activity in this market, you have to come in the morning because this market takes place from 05:00 until 07:00.

In the past, what happens here is barter or exchange goods without using money. Although now it is using money as a means of exchange, but there are some who still do barter goods. What is interesting in this floating market is the stick with the tip of the wire to take the purchased items because of the difficulty juxtapose boat ride.

2.Pulau Kembang

Flower Island/Pulau kembang
Flower Island is an island located in the middle of the Barito River. These sights are the habitat of monkeys and several types of birds. According to residents, in this island there is a big monkey is the monkey king.
While on the island, be careful with your luggage. The monkeys are often curious and wanted to see what you are carrying. I suggest bringing a snack or fruit to distract them from your bag.

Interestingly, in this island there is a temple and altar with a statue of a monkey-shaped white or Hanuman. This altar, by the Chinese people, used to put offerings at certain moments.

This tourist spot is about 1.5 km from the city center of Banjarmasin. To be able to see the activity of these monkeys up close, you have to pay 5,000 Rupiah for domestic tourists and 25,000 rupiah for foreign tourists
3. Labuan kaca

This lake including the most beautiful lake in the world. Why? because the beauty of the lake is unparalleled, its clear water to refresh our eyes. moreover this lake has two flavors ie salty and tasteless. Mirror Lake is located in the village of Labuan Labuan Netting in Sub-Big Dipper Big Dipper East Kalimantan, which can be reached by land about 6 to 7 hours from the capital of Berau district, Tanjung Redeb, East Kalimantan. Although the journey is quite far, fatigue will be relieved at the sight of the natural beauty that is in Labuan Kaca.
. 4.Air Terjun Tanah Merah/tanah merah waterfall

Waterfall Tanah Merah is located in dusun Purwosari, District of North Samarida, or about 14 km from the center of the city of Samarinda. These sights are easily accessible by public transport, you just need to ride public transportation department pasar Segiri - Sungai Siring.

Waterfall with a height of 15 meters is quite unique. The flowing water will look clear and clean, but when at the bottom, the water will turn into a murky reddish. This is because the soil here manifold peat. Nevertheless, the tourist attractions in Samarinda is still much visited by tourists, especially during the weekends.

If you do not want to play water and wet, you can sit in the gazebo while enjoying the beauty of this waterfall. In addition to relaxing in the gazebo, you can also satisfy the stomach at food stalls around. If carrying a small child, at the waterfall area is also provided a children's play area.

5.Pulau Beras Basah

Pulau Beras Basah
Beras Basah Island is located in Bontang, East Kalimantan, precisely in the Makassar Strait. It takes about 3 hours from Samarinda to reach these attractions. The duration of the trip will be paid when you see for yourself the beauty of Pulau Beras Basah.
The scenery of white sand and clear blue water will make you forget the long trip to get here. You will also be greeted by a tall lighthouse that has been unused. The beauty of the island is not only limited to the white sand and panoramic beaches, underwater Pulau Beras Basah can not be missed.

Do not forget to bring lunch because the island is unspoiled and uninhabited. For lodging, you can find it in Bontang.


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